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Double Major

To double major at CIA, you need to apply and be accepted to both majors and receive the approval signature of both department chairs.

Please note that completing both programs may take longer than four years depending on the combination of majors.

A minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA is required at the time you declare a double major.

Items to Consider in Program Planning

1. Pursuing your degree requirements:

  • You will start the process by notifying Academic Services of your intent to double major. An advisor will discuss the process with you and give you a general idea of how the two majors will fit together.
  • If you choose to continue:
    • Academic Services will create a combined program of study for you.
    • The combined program of study will need to be approved by the chairs of both departments. This will become your official program of study through to graduation.
    • A double major form will accompany your program of study which will be signed by the chairs of both departments. This form will be given to the Registrar to make the combination of majors official.
  • If you decide to discontinue your double major at any point, you will need to meet with Academic Services and fill out a “New Declaration of Major Form.”

2. Applying for degree certification:

  • When you are completing the requirements for your major, you should consult with your department chairs as well as the Registrar and Financial Aid before you decide to apply for degree certification. Depending on your majors, it may be in your best interest to complete one major, graduate from that major, and then return to CIA to finish the other major.
  • The Federal Title IV financial aid programs are intended to assist you in completing your first bachelor’s degree. If you complete the requirements for one of your majors, apply for graduation, and then are certified by the Registrar as having been awarded that degree, you will have fulfilled the intent of the Title IV programs and will no longer be eligible for any need-based funding from government sources. In this case, you will be able to continue your enrollment at CIA to complete the second major, but will not be eligible for any financial aid grants from governmental sources (see below).
  • Federal and State financial aid (including loans) for which you are eligible will continue provided you maintain your eligibility in all ways required (financial and academically) as long as you have not been certified as having completed and graduated from one of the majors.
  • Unless you have a very special circumstance that warrants it, or you expect to finance your continuing enrollment for the second major yourself, you should not apply for graduation until you have completed the requirements for BOTH majors.

For more information:

Jill Milenski
Academic Advisor, Academic Support Specialist
216.421.7462 | Contact

Office of Academic Services

Room 120
11610 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106

Mon–Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm

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