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Student Life

Student Life . Career Center . For Current Students 

For Current Students

CIA's Career Center is dedicated to providing students and alumni with the necessary tools, resources, and strategies that will assist you in identifying and obtaining your personal career goals.

A student shaking hands with an employer from Little Tikes at a career fair.

Services offered include:

  • One on one career advising
  • Assistance with resume and cover letter writing
  • Guidance on job search strategies, networking  and interview techniques
  • Connections to Alumni for career exploration and information
  • Assistance in obtaining a credit or non-credit bearing internship
  • On-campus recruiting program
  • Lifelong access to services to assist in career transition
  • Access to College Central, a comprehensive online job board offering listings of opportunities including internships, freelance, work-study jobs, competitions and full-time career positions
  • Schedule an appointment 

We encourage you to view our 4 Year Career Development Model, an intentional strategy for you to obtain career-related experiences the minute you step on campus.

For more information, current students can access (myCIA log in required)

Your College Central account awaits!

So much more than just a job board; create an account that stays with you throughout your years at CIA and beyond graduation. With a unique User ID obtained through the Career Center, log into your account, complete your registration and upload a resume and portfolio. 

Employers from across the nation along with local companies and individuals come here to post internships, call-to-entry contests and exhibitions, full-time, part-time, and freelance job opportunities in search of talented CIA students.

Learn how you’ll be able to put your degree to work in a career doing what you love to do.

Learn about a potential career from the inside to decide if it’s right for you.

Grad School
If you plan to continue your studies toward an advanced degree, let us help.

College Central

Visit College Central to see what jobs and internships employers have posted this week!

Location + Hours 

Located within Student Services, Room 120
Cleveland, OH 44106  


Drop-ins welcomed, appointments preferred

For more information:

Career Center
216.421.8073 | Contact