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Admissions . Tuition + Fees . Cost of Attendance 

Cost of Attendance

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance (COA) is the combination of direct expenses (or billable) and indirect expenses (things like holiday travel, living incidentals, etc) associated with attending college.

It is used with the calculated Student Aid Index (SAI) from data reported on the FAFSA to determine eligibility for financial aid. You may receive financial aid, including student loans, for up to the total cost of attendance. Financial aid disbursed to your account in excess of your direct costs will be refunded to you.

Incoming students: Living on campus

The cost of attendance is based on incoming students who are living in a 2-bedroom suite (4 students) or a 1-bedroom suite (double occupancy) in CIA's Uptown Residence Hall, using the CaseCash-only meal plan: 

Billable (Direct) CostsFallSpringTotal
Tuition 22,800 22,800 45,600
Fees** 1,550 1,550 3,100
Orientation fee 210   210
Foundation Supply Kit 250  250 500
Room (Uptown Residence Hall 2 Bedroom Suite) 5,100 5,100 10,200
Meals (CaseCash only) 1,325 1,325 2,650
Billable (Direct) Costs Subtotal 31,235 31,025 62,260
Indirect Expenses   
Books/Supplies 850 850 1,700
Transportation 625 625 1,250
Food 1,825 1,825 3,650
Personal Expenses 850 850 1,700
Indirect Expenses Subtotal 4,150 4,150 8,300
Cost of Attendance Total 35,385 35,175 70,560

** Fees include Facility, Technology, Health Services and Student Activities.

Incoming students: Commuting

The items for the financial aid cost of attendance for incoming students who are commuting from the home of their parents/relatives are listed below:

Billable (Direct) CostsFallSpringTotal
Tuition 22,800 22,800 45,600
Fees** 1,550 1,550 3,100
Orientation fee 210   210
Foundation Supply Kit 250  250 500
Billable (Direct) Costs Subtotal 24,810 24,600 49,410
Indirect Expenses   
Living Expenses - Housing 6,750 6,750 13,500
Living Expenses - Food 3,150 3,150 6,300
Books/Supplies 850 850 1,700
Transportation 875 875 1,750
Personal Expenses 850 850 1,700
Indirect Expenses Subtotal 12,475 12,475 24,950
Cost of Attendance Total 37,285 37,075 74,360

** Fees include Facility, Technology, Health Services and Student Activities.

Currently enrolled students: Living in Euclid 117

The cost of attendance for students currently enrolled who are living on-campus in a 2-bedroom suite in the Euclid 117 residence hall with the CaseCash only meal plan:

Billable (Direct) CostsFallSpringTotal
Tuition 22,800 22,800 45,600
Fees** 1,550 1,550 3,100
Room (Uptown Residence Hall 2 Bedroom Suite) 5,100 5,100 10,200
Meals (CaseCash only) 1,325 1,325 2,650
Billable (Direct) Costs Subtotal 30,775 30,775 61,550
Indirect Expenses   
Books/Supplies 1,100 1,100 2,200
Transportation 625 625 1,250
Food 1,825 1,825 3,650
Personal Expenses 850 850 1,700
Indirect Expenses Subtotal 4,400 4,400 8,800
Cost of Attendance Total 35,175 35,175 70,350

** Fees include Facility, Technology, Health Services and Student Activities

Currently enrolled students: Commuting/Living Off-Campus

The cost of attendance for students commuting from the home of their parents/relatives or living in an off-campus apartment rental:

Billable (Direct) CostsFallSpringTotal
Tuition 22,800 22,800 45,600
Fees** 1,550 1,550 3,100
Billable (Direct) Costs Subtotal 24,350 24,350 48,700
Indirect Expenses   
Living Expenses - Housing 6,750 6,750 13,500
Living Expenses - Food 3,150 3,150 6,300
Books and Supplies 1,100 1,100 2,200
Transportation 875 875 1,750
Personal Expenses 850 850 1,700
Indirect Expenses Subtotal 12,725 12,725 25,450
Cost of Attendance Total 37,075 37,075 74,150

** Fees include Facility, Technology, Health Services and Student Activities

*Fees include the following types and amounts:

Type of FeeFallSpringTotal
Technology Fee 330 330 660
Facilities Fee 700 700 1,400
Health Service Fee 360 360 720
Student Activity Fee 160 160 320
First-year Supplies Fee 500   500
Orientation Fee 210  — 210


Billable (Direct) Costs 

All students receive a tuition and fees statement and a registration form sent to their CIA email address to complete each semester in their myCIA account. The bill includes charges for tuition and room and board (if they're living in CIA's residence halls and/or have purchased a meal plan).

Indirect Costs  

Books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses are not costs that students will be billed for through CIA. However, these expenses are associated with attending CIA and are included in the cost of attendance. 

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Laptop Requirements

Just as artists need the right tools for their work, so do art students need certain tools for success. 

To ensure that you have the tools you’ll need to succeed in your major, CIA requires all students to have a laptop. At a minimum, this laptop should support Adobe Creative Cloud. The majority of first-year digital work is centered around Adobe Creative Cloud. Once students enter their sophomore year, they are expected to own a laptop which meets major-specific requirements, outlined on the Laptop Requirements page on myCIA

CIA, of course, provides computer labs, printers, and other high-tech equipment to address the higher-end, specialized needs of all students.

The average one-time cost will vary by major, but is expected to range between $1,500 and $2,500, including hardware, software, warranty, and any other required items.