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Academics . Curriculum . Visual Culture 

Visual Culture minor

The minor in Visual Culture helps students develop advanced critical skills that will complement their work as artists and designers. 

It emphasizes knowledge of art history, theory, and criticism; skills in writing and research; and the ability to make connections between Visual Culture and other areas. It contributes to the progress of students in their majors, while preparing them to pursue graduate study, write criticism, and work in galleries and other professional settings.

Core Requirement (3 credits)

  • AC 305 Visual Culture and Manufacture of Meaning 

Electives (choose 4) 12 credits 

  • AC 316 Issues in Design: Theory & Culture 
  • AC 321 Race and Representation in Contemporary Art & Culture 
  • AC 334 African American Art 
  • AC 343 Modernism in Latin American Art 
  • AC 359 The Body: From the Historic to the Contemporary 
  • AC 380 Issues in 20th and 21st Century Art 
  • AC 383 Conceptual Art: History and Theory 
  • AC 387 Media Arts & Visual Culture: Installation 
  • AC 388 Media Arts & Visual Culture: Interactive Zones 
  • ACHC 322 Social Cinemas 
  • ACHC 374 World Cinemas 
  • ACHC 389 From the Front Row 
  • AH 323 History of Photography Survey 
  • AH 324 Introduction to African Art 
  • AH 362 Design & Craft in Modern Culture 
  • AH 365 Art of China 
  • AH 372 Asian Art Survey 
  • AH 373 Art of East Asia 
  • AH 376 American Crafts History 
  • HC 209 Survey Contemporary Music 
  • HC 325 Avant Garde Film 
  • HC 311 Sound Art and New Media 
  • WRHC 319 Graphic Narratives 

For more information:

Zachary Savich
Associate Professor | Chair of Liberal Arts
216.421.7000 | Contact