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Academics . Curriculum . International + Domestic Study . Study Abroad 

Study Abroad

Studying in another country enables you to explore other cultures to enhance your social, academic, and professional interests, or just have a grand adventure. 

Cleveland Institute of Art students are encouraged to do a summer or semester experience after sophomore year. Faculty help students choose courses so the work completed will apply toward the CIA degree. In addition, a study abroad advisor provides information sessions on preparation for study abroad, specific overseas programs, financial planning, and security and safety. Individual advising allows students to review a number of program options and choose the one that will meet their goals.

International + North American Mobility Programs

CIA has enrollment agreements with five international programs:

CIA students may enroll in other programs overseas that are determined to meet the academic quality standards of the college. These are approved on a case-by-case basis. Some international programs allow students to use federal or CIA financial aid while others do not. CIA's study abroad advisor helps students in this area.

Countries from which CIA has enrolled students in recent years include Canada, China, France, Guatemala, Germany, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.  CIA reviews and considers applications from international students who have attended educational institutions that are recognized and accredited by the equivalent of the ministry of education, as appropriate to that country.

Study Abroad stories

Hear from Sarah, a photography major who spent a semester in Ireland.

Alison, who served as Commencement speaker in 2023, discusses her study abroad experience in Israel.